Her ne kadar her daim (genetik) iyimserler bu günlerde "yaşasın kriz bitti, lay lay lom" havasına girse de, ABD Hazinesi onlar kadar iyimser değil! 14 Eyül'de yayımladıkları raporun başlığı "The Next Phase of Government Financial Stabilization and Rehabilitation Policies."
Raporda şunlar deniyor:
"...significant parts of the financial system remain impaired. Unanticipated events could intensify pressure on the financial system. In this context, it is prudent to maintain capacity to address unforeseen developments [i.e. life support] ..."
"...foreclosures continue to rise across all classes of mortgages, with prime mortgages now leading the way. The restructuring process for the commercial real estate market has only recently begun. The pace of bank failures has increased and it is expected to remain elevated for some time."
"During this difficult period of adjustment, the system could be sensitive to unanticipated market events. Further, in those markets where conditions have improved, it is unclear whether the improvements achieved to date will persist without a period of continued government support."
Dikkatinizi çekerim, bu cümleleri karamsar bir iktisatçı ya da short poziyondaki bi piyasacı söylemiyor, ABD Hazine Bakanlığı söylüyor!