Rubini'nin sitesinde dolar rezerv para niteliği üzerine Menzie Chinn imzalı taze bi çalışmaya rastladım. Okumak isteyenler şuradan bakabilir.
Yazının aslı Econobrowser'da yayınlanmış.
RGE Econobrowser'dan alıp tekrar yayınlamış, çok iyi etmiş. Zira dikkatimi çeken, her iki sitede yayınlanan aynı yazının alttındaki okuyucu yorumlarının farklılığı!bu da econobrowser ve RGE'nin "müşteri kitlelerinin" farklılığını ve kalitelerini ortaya koyuyor sanırım.
Benim daha çok hoşuma giden, Chinn'in yazısı üzerine bi okuyucunun RGE sitesindeki commenti. O çok daha çarpıcı geldi. Aynen veriyorum. Wilson'u tanımıyorum ama ayıp olmaz sanırım!
Do we not find it absurd that we are using a reserve currency that has no fundamental assets to back it up?The word Reserve implies something of substance that can be used in times of need.It seems like the real reserve that is left for any reserve is the dwindling reserve of "pure faith" in the US currency.Not here to talk down the US$ or what, but the more one thinks about it, the more shocking it becomes.If you think of something of reserve, it should be of great strength, wealth, and substance.The current Bretton Woods of default mode is a dangerous game and the whole world has been forced in playing with it.When one looks into dictionary for the application of the word reserve:
1. Reserve army ( you would picture great lines of army strong and well equipped. Not old and naked)
2. Food for reserve in times of need( you would picture lots of food ready for in time of need)
3. Stocks of supplies of reserve ( you know what)Now picture this:Reserve Currency (US Dollar)
What is US dollar? A currency(a promissionary note or bond) which has defaulted on its gold obligations). And has no substance it in.Can anyone write something factual to calm my nerve? Please don't tell me it is the world' most liquid asset therefore it is good. Because No Shxt sherlock, and that is why it is terryfying.Great research by the author though. Writing this so to look for people to write something factual to calm one's nerve.
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