Yukarıdaki linkte, dünyada en fazla altına sahip 9 devlet (ve IMF)'nin ne kadar altına sahip olduklarına ilişkin 2.7.2009 tarihli bir sunum var.
Oradaki bilgiye göre, ABD'nin yaklaşık 8 bin ton altını varmış!
Ama sayfanın altındaki okuyucu commentlerinin hemen tamamı, bu bilgiyi "komik" olarak bulduklarını söylüyor. Eleştiriler kısaca ABD hazinesi neredeyse 50 yıldır altın varlığının bağımsız denetimine izin vermediği, bugünlerde de 8000 ton altını olan biri gibi davranmadığı şeklinde.
Hoşuma giden bir commenti aşağıya aynen aldım:
"Comment by George Galletly on 2009-07-05
Luke, I found this information very interesting and beautifully illustrated but I cannot believe the US stated holdings. The US government cheat on nearly all statistics which they issue to try to maintain an illusion of power. I am of the firm opinion that the reason the US broke with the Gold standard is because they could not meet France's demand for payment of debt in Gold. If that is true then it is certain that the US does not hold anywhere near the stated amount. The truth of the matter is this, If the world could find out the real situation of US gold holdings the $US would immediately take on its true value and be worthless. The US government will continue to hide the truth on their real holdings for as long as they possibly can but someday someone will expose this lie like they have with regard to most other issued 'facts'. For evidence of this see 'Shadow Government' statistics wherein one finds the real unemployment, GDP, cost of living and total debt figures. I find it sad that a country which is reputedly so great is so deceptive and corrup."
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